December 30, 2008
Online shoppers can now purchase items and donate to S.F. Hep B Free, all in one click of a mouse at the Web site
The site falls under the umbrella organization, a new shopping Web site that serves a multitude of non-profit organizations.
Husband and wife founders Gail and Stephen Webb build a website for each participating non-profit and its charity. Each time a web visitor clicks on a product to view, purchase or compare pricing in the shopping section of the site, the charity will earn proceeds. The success of the site is, however, contingent upon the organization’s ability to market it to its supporters. earns profits only when consumers click on the ads on the sides of the site from Google and other partnering companies.
Whether it is fundraising for malaria treatments for Africa’s underserved communities or being active in their church, the Webbs have shared a life-long passion for philanthropy that is now being extended nationally.
The residents of Charleston, S.C., heard about the S.F. Hep B Free Campaign in early 2008 after a friend introduced them to Assemblywoman Fiona Ma during their visit to the Bay Area.
Upon hearing her passion and dedication to raising awareness for hepatitis B, Stephen and Gail knew that they wanted to do what they could to support the cause.
“It was overwhelming and inspiring to see her championing a cause so often and publicly,” said Stephen in his southern drawl. “We immediately knew we wanted to help.”
“On a personal level, this project was very important to us,” Gail said. “One of our family members has hepatitis C and has undergone chemotherapy.”
The Webbs are also working with the Asian Pacific Islander Wellness Center to create a fundraising Web site for HIV.
Non-profits interested in participating can email
Written by Angela Pang · Filed Under San Francisco Hep B Update