July 2, 2008
Over 15 Bay Area Asian ethnic media outlets are collaborating with the S.F. Hep B Free campaign in an unprecedented and united effort to educate the San Francisco public and community about hepatitis B.
Starting this month, these publications will run advertisements promoting awareness of the disease and the need to be tested and vaccinated for the virus that affects one in 10 Asians. Due to a lack of symptoms, awareness and testing, most Asians are unaware of their infection.
The ads featuring Assemblywoman Fiona Ma and Mayor Gavin Newsom will promote local testing sites and the campaign’s message, “B Sure, B Tested, B Free!”
Chinese newspapers running the ads include World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Ming Pao Daily News, China Press and International Daily News.
“China Press is always committed to doing community work, and we believe the (S.F. Hep B Free campaign) is good way to educate our readers, who are mostly Chinese immigrants, about this disease,” China Press Bay Area General Manager Helena Ren said.
Philippine News, Ang Panahon, Manila Bulletin, Pinoy Today and Philippines Today are the Filipino publications participating.
“Philippine News believes that any information devoted to health education - and finding ways for our community to avoid, prevent or manage illnesses - is always worth any amount of media space,” Philippine News Managing Editor Cristina Pastor said. “The Filipino American community will benefit greatly from the information-sharing and educational articles on hep B.”
The Japanese newspapers involved include Nichi Bei Times and Hokubei Mainichi, while the Vietnamese publications include Thoi Bao and Mo Magazine.
Also participating as media partners are Korea Daily, The Korea Times-San Francisco, Asian Journal and AsianWeek.
“A lot of Koreans do not know the facts or risks about this disease,” Korea Daily Senior Account Executive Richard Choi said. “As a media outlet, we are obligated to help inform the community about hepatitis B, which is a serious risk for all Asians and Asian Americans.”
As a media partner of the S.F. Hep B Free campaign, these publications, brought together by AsianWeek, will provide ongoing editorial support about the Hep B Free campaign and the need for testing and vaccination for the hepatitis B virus, run public service announcements on a space available basis, and provide paid advertising space at a discounted rate.