[Hepatitis B Free Week in San Francisco]
Resolution declaring May 10 – 17, 2008 Hepatitis B Free Week in the City and County of San Francisco.
WHEREAS, Hepatitis B, a disease caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and liver cancer; and,
WHEREAS, Over 350 million people in the world are chronically infected with hepatitis B, which takes a life every 30 seconds; and,
WHEREAS, Eighty percent of liver cancer worldwide is caused by HBV infection, with San Francisco showing the highest liver cancer rate in the nation; and,
WHEREAS, With an estimated 1 in 10 people in the Asian Pacific Islander (API) community who have an undiagnosed HBV infection, the SAN FRANCISCO: FREE OF HEPATITIS B campaign aims to screen, vaccinate, and treat all API residents for hepatitis B, and puts San Francisco at the forefront of America in fighting chronic hepatitis; and,
WHEREAS, Hepatitis B is preventable with a vaccine, which provides an easy and effective method for preventing HBV infections and its deadly implications; and,
WHEREAS, All people, including children, adolescents and adults are encouraged to be vaccinated, provided they are not already chronically infected with HBV; and,
WHEREAS, The San Francisco Department of Public Health, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University, AsianWeek Foundation and Assemblywoman Fiona Ma have partnered in bringing awareness to the API community about early detection and prevention of hepatitis B through the unprecedented SAN FRANCISCO: FREE OF HEPATITIS B campaign; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco declares May 10 – 17, 2008 Hepatitis B Free Week in San Francisco.